============= Academic work ============= Collaborative Software Architecture Decisions - Structure and Dynamics ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Systematic capture and management of architecture decisions are a practice characteristic for organizations reliant on complex software systems. The `ISO 42010 standard `_ has provided an extensible foundation for architecture decision modeling. Within the Ph.D. course at the `University of Lugano `_, under the supervision of `prof. Cesare Pautasso `_, I have proposed and evaluated an argumentation viewpoint extension to the architecture decision model. The empirical evaluation performed with the use of `the prototypical tool `_ demonstrated that structured decisions' argumentation management improves the architecture decision-making process. The research resulted in `the dissertation <./_static/marcin-nowak-dissertation.pdf>`_ and public defense in September 2014. .. raw:: html :file: defense-slideshare.html Stark deceleration to produce cold SO2 molecules ------------------------------------------------ For my `Graduate program in Physics `_, I have joined prof. Tiemann's group within the `Institute of Quantum Optics `_ at the Leibnitz University in Hanover. Under the supervision of `Dr. Christian Lisdat `_, I have been working on the construction of the SO2 molecule decelerator. The project aimed at observing molecule fragmentation in the ultra-low temperature (below 1K) conditions. I have succeeded in building, conditioning, tuning, and running the decelerator to the specification. The specific technologies applied included high-power excimer and dye, and frequency doubled laser, high-vacuum turbo-pumps, high frequency, high voltage (15kV) switched decelerator core. `Experimental results `_ were accepted for publication in the `European Physical Journal D `_. I have concluded the graduate program with `the diploma <./_static/marcin-nowak-diplom.pdf>`_ submitted in June 2007. .. figure:: SO2-decelerator.jpg :alt: Sulfur Dioxide Decelerator :align: center :width: 480px